Saturday, July 4, 2009

Change - Still On the Way

Several themes are present in my spiritual life at the moment. The first is that of living in a sacred way, perceiving and honoring the "sacramentality of daily life" - as I used to put it to myself. It does not have so much to do with what I do, but the consciousness within which I am, in the doing. A recent experience stopped me in my tracks, a split second of realizing the wholeness/oneness of the Sacred, in this moment, now.

My sense of God is changing rapidly, too. Now, for me, God is something like the consciousness of everything, of both the pure potential and utter freedom of no thing and simultaneously of all things from rocks and streams, metal and plastic, gasses and liquids, to the least of sentient beings, tiny one-celled organisms, to the greatest of saints and sages, all of which participate in that consciousness. This God 'speaks' in a multitude of voices, from the still small whisper in the wind, to the thundering crescendo of wrenching change, to the climactic birthing cry of emergence into new being. Because consciousness loves to be in flow with other consciousnesses, God loves to be with and within our consciousness.

Increasingly, my sense of intercessory prayer grows, and I often am caught up/reined in by a realization that I have not prayed for this or that person as I ought to do. This is not a 'should' but a sense that it is part of my purpose to do this, and that, even though I do not understand how or why it is exactly, I believe my prayers are needed. In fact, I'm reading more about intention, intentional healing, healing prayer, and the more I read, the more I'm convinced that all our prayers matter very much. Again, I don't know how to explain this.

Another thing that is different for me is that worship with others in the traditional way has become fairly painful. The faces turned toward some spot, a Bible, a cross, a preacher, and not toward each other, seems odd to me - and this is after a life time of worshiping just this way. I keep seeing in my mind circles of people turned to each other and within, tuned to each other and to that voice or light within. Instead of a sermon, I think we should be reflecting together, and sharing our perceptions, feelings, wisdom. Spirit dwells among us, not resting on the head of the preacher, the liturgist or the choir director, in particular. I pray that we learn to listen to Spirit together.

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