Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Afghanistan Again

I understand that 40,000 more troops are being requested for the war in Afghanistan. It is hard to imagine what the outcome of that will be, except for more deaths. I am remembering that every country that has tried to conquer or prevail in Afghanistan has been defeated by the terrain and the people. Perhaps a different strategy is in order.

My prayer is that God will inspire a new strategy that looks much more like education and protection for the women and children of Afghanistan, and much less like bombings and troops. My prayer is that the people of Afghanistan will receive resources for growing food rather than poppies, be given any training needed. And, that the most humane of clerics will be supported and the tyranny of the Taliban will be subverted. I pray that we in this country will cry out for greater creativity in preserving lives rather than in figuring out more ways to kill. Far too often, it is non-combatants who die, destroyed as they simply try to live under already very difficult circumstances.

In God's name, end this war...

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