Sunday, October 11, 2009

Confronting Wrongful Doing

This is not specifically about news today. It's about news these days in these times. That is, what do we do when we see great wrong-doing in front of us, or when we are wrongly treated. I've been reading emails from about Dawn, a woman who has been denied insurance coverage of a specialist who specializes in certain kinds of brain cancer. Dawn has been trying for two years to get her insurance company to allow her to see this specialist, and to pay for his consultation and care of her. Her story can be followed by reading this blog,

At the same time, I've been reading NT Wright's book, Surprised by Hope. I'm only about half-way through, but am fascinated. The role of confrontation of the powers and principalities is currently very prominent in my mind, as I think of the evils and sufferings that so many people undergo. I pray that my mind and heart may be opened and I learn new ways and receive new energy to move in the direction of Christian confrontation. Further, I pray that everyone engaged in such confrontation have a solid sense of what they are doing, and that it be done in the love and power of Christ. Amen.

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