Friday, October 2, 2009

And another super storm gathers

After last week's devastating flooding in the Philipines, it appears another super storm is headed their way. Typhoon Parma may hit tomorrow and is expected to have winds of 120-140 mph. Right after the earthquakes in Indonesia and the tsunami in the Samoas, more disaster is about to strike.

Years ago, I read a book by Agnes Sanford titled, Creation Waits. She wrote of praying for the earth to contain its energies and dissipate them harmlessly, rather than causing destruction to human life. She alluded to a network of people around the earth who took the power of prayer seriously enough to consistently pray for the various geographic regions of the world.

Perhaps it would be a good thing for that to resume, or for those who pray in such a way, to redouble their prayers at this time. For my part, I'll pray that this new typhoon will blow itself out before it hits any inhabited land, that the people in its path will find safety, and that the international community will work hard to bring relief to all who suffer from natural disasters now. Further, I pray that the countries and corporations of the world will do whatever they can do to stop global warming, which has been implicated in these so-called super storms.

May it be so.

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