Friday, October 30, 2009


A night ago, President Obama went to pay his respects to the soldiers whose bodies were flown back to the United States, and to their families. Photographs of him saluting the flag-draped coffins housing the soldiers' remains are a haunting reminder of the human cost and devastation of war.

I do not agree with the war itself, and have not from the beginning. Yet, it seems very appropriate that the President of our country honor those who have fallen, and meet with their families. How I hope that we Americans and all of humanity can come to offer the same respect and honor to all the living, everywhere, treating each one as the precious human being he or she is. May we human beings learn to reject all war, any war, as a terrible failure in being human. And, may we learn to solve our problems with each other without violence, but with mutual understanding and respect. AMEN.

Photo from

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