Friday, October 23, 2009

A New Approach

A post behind again. My attention to the news has been limited by fighting with some kind of flu, feeling exhausted, and not looking at the newspaper. So, today/yesterday's post is about some news my husband gave me. It seems that many physicians are advocating that people take vitamin D supplements because there has been a correlation between people taking vitamin D and NOT getting the H1N1 flu. I find this amazing, if true, because with all the publicity about the flu and concerns about the vaccine, perhaps there is a rather simple way to avoid it.

I may not have managed that, and there is much sickness going around. Local reports are starting to come in about cases of H1N1. It seems almost everyone has some story of a child's best friend, or co-worker, or friend who has come down with this flu. There are stories about schools closing and other schools waiting to see if they will have to close. People are encouraged to stay home if they do not feel well.

So, I did stay home, and rested, and tried to overcome the symptoms with a variety of remedies. I know that I started to feel much better after taking double the amount of vitamin D recommended, plus a homeopathic, Oscillococcinum, made by Boiron. A little more than 48 hours after starting to feel awful, I am doing rather well. Sore throat gone. Head ache gone. Aching muscles better - no pain. No fever or chills.

My prayer for this time is that those who are ill with the H1N1 flu will get the care they need, will be advised by their health care providers about any supplements that may help them, and will recover their well-being very quickly.

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