Saturday, October 10, 2009

Banking Industry and Losses of Homes

I meant to post about this last night, but fell asleep.

Watching Bill Moyers on public television reminded me that the losses of homes, jobs and businesses continue. The bail-outs continue as well. I am not sure why the people of this country are bailing out the banking institutions that lobbied for de-regulation, and developed Ponzi schemes that collapsed taking billions down the drain. Now their CEO's and managers spend taxpayer-funded bailout dollars to buy up other banks and pay themselves bonuses.

My heart goes out to those who have lost or are losing their homes. I personally know of families to whom this is happening. They are losing their homes because of medical bills and/or time off work because of health issues or unemployment. I pray for all people whose lives have become caught up in the economic and institutional woes of this time. I pray for this country, that we as citizens may come to our senses, and refuse to be bamboozled by those who prefer to have us ignorant, acquisitive, and all too trusting. They accumulate billions of dollars from us, while we plunge into poverty and debt. They keep their ranking in the plutocracy.

May we wake up!! May we remember the beatitudes and live them.

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