Monday, October 19, 2009

Health Care Plan

The negotiators for the White House are refusing to commit to some key provisions at this time, saying that they want to see what comes out of Congress. I cannot understand why the White House will not demand that the final bill include a strong public option and limits on the amounts that private insurance companies can charge for premiums.

I hope that whatever bill gets passed gives all the American people a viable option. I am especially concerned about those who have few insurance options due to their health, lack of sufficient income, or the loss of job or other such change in circumstances. I know people who pay between 25 and 33% of their income for health insurance that still requires them to spend significant sums out of pocket. This is disgraceful in "the richest country in the world."

My prayer is that justice will "roll down" and the dreams of millions of Americans will be realized. Some of these dreams are:
-that they will no longer have to stay in a job they have outgrown because they need the health insurance,
-that they will have access to affordable health insurance for the first time,
-that they will no longer need to fear being kicked out of insurance coverage because their health care needs are too great,
-that they will not lose health insurance coverage if they lose their employment.
May our congress and president order their priorities to give preference to meeting the needs of the ordinary people of this country over the profits of insurance, large health care, and pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists.

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